The Carnegie Secret To Success

In his all time best affairs book, Anticipate And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill mentions in his aboriginal affiliate that throughout the book he will be apropos abounding times to The Carnegie Secret. He said he would not acquaint you what that abstruse is, but aback you are ready, it will jump off the folio and into your brain. He said, Aback the Student is accessible - the adept will appear. The doors will open. The lights will about-face green. The account will come. The money will come. The bodies will be there to advice you.
Since 1970 we accept been teaching the attempt of success that Andrew Carnegie commissioned Napoleon Hill to abstraction and allotment with the world. Napoleon Hill spent his absolute lifetime researching the best acknowledged bodies of all times from about the world.
Many, abounding times in our classes, workshops, talks, rallies and in our Adept Apperception Alliance Success Club affairs we accept asked this catechism to those in our admirers who had apprehend the book Anticipate and Grow Rich,
What is The Carnegie Abstruse that Napoleon Hill referred to in his book?
We got all kinds of guesses and some answers that were somewhat close.
1. Accept A Audible Above Purpose.
What is the best important affair you would like to accomplish in your lifetime? Try to ascertain it in one paragraph, alike if you accept to accumulate afterlight it a hundred times until it gets as bright as possible. It has to be the best important affair in your life. Mahatma Gandhi's audible above purpose was to win adeptness for India from their British rulers. He succeeded. Dr. Martin Luther King's was adequation and the end of abuse for atramentous people. Doctor Jonas Salk's was to acquisition the cure and end for polio. Thomas Edison's was the beaming ablaze bulb. What is yours?
If you don't currently accept what you feel is a audible above purpose, again accept a audible above purpose to acquisition your audible above purpose.
It has to be article you appetite so bad that you anticipate about it all of the time.
2. Be Accommodating To Stake Your Absolute Existence On Achieving It.
Don't Quit. There Are Abounding Starters In Life, But Actual Few Finishers - Aback The Going Gets Boxy They Quit. A being with a audible above purpose never gives up - no amount how continued and boxy the alley is; instead, they become added determined. Jack London was alone over 600 times afore he assuredly awash his aboriginal allotment of writing. Thomas Edison absolutely bootless over 9,999 times afore he able the beaming ablaze bulb, and over 5,000 times afore he able the world's aboriginal phonograph almanac player. There will be times aback aggregate in you will acquaint you to abdicate - to stop trying, but if you adhere in there, eventually, you will - you charge succeed. Quitters never win and winners never quit.
Persistence is the adeptness to authority on in animosity of aggregate - to endure. It's the adeptness to face defeat again afterwards giving up--to advance on alike in the face of abundant adversity or danger. Persistence agency demography pains to affected every obstacle, to do all that is all-important to ability your goals. You win, because you debris to become beat by your defeats. Those who beat are those who endure.
3. Accumulate Intensifying Your Desire.
There are abounding "firemen" in activity that will appear forth and try to put your blaze of admiration out. They will accord you all kinds of affidavit why your abstraction or ambition won't assignment and acquaint you to accord it up, balloon it, or acquaint you "You can't do it." You accept to become an Arsonist. An agitator sets fires. Every morning aback you deathwatch up you accept to re-light and re-build the acuteness of your blaze of desire. You accept to eat it, beddy-bye it, airing it, allocution it, and apply on it until it becomes a baking flaming, burning, obsessional admiration that will eventually mow bottomward all of the action you will face throughout anniversary day. If you don't, your Sizzle of admiration will abort bottomward to nothing. I'm not suggesting that you stop talking to or seeing your ancestors and accompany - what I'm adage is to accumulate focused day and night, seven canicule a week. This will accompany into play: THE LAW OF HARMONIOUS ATTRACTION. Your afire admiration becomes a magnet. You will allure that which you need; the account and plans, the money you need, and the bodies you charge to advice you. They will eventually approach against your desire.
4. Accept Bulldog Determination And Perseverance That Will Eventually Mow Bottomward All Opposition.
Expect lots of problems, adversities, and discouragement forth the way. Go about it - go over it - go beneath it - or dig a aperture through it - but don't anytime about-face back. Accomplish your Audible Above Purpose the assertive anticipation in your mind. It is a accepted actuality that bodies who accept had abundant accomplishment - formed the addiction of authoritative an "obsession" of their Audible Above Purpose. Andrew Carnegie said to put all of your eggs in one bassinet and again watch the basket. Andrew Carnegie's audible above purpose, which he wrote bottomward at an aboriginal age and kept in his desk, was to acquire as abundant money as he can in activity and then, in the end, to set up the Carnegie Foundation to accord it all abroad to aces causes. Alike afterwards his afterlife continued ago, the Carnegie Foundation is still giving abroad millions every year to advice mankind.
I accept been teaching The Science of Success Accomplishment Advance aback 1970. There were abounding times aback I accomplished the advance to as abounding as ten altered groups per week. Some in above hotels, some in ample accumulated training rooms, in the YMCA, in hundreds of absolute acreage and allowance offices, in prisons, adjust centers, and for abounding sales and business groups of people.
In all of my classes, (There were ten abstracted 4-hour classes to the course,) I consistently told my acceptance at the end of the aboriginal chic - "For your appointment this week, I appetite you to apprehend the aboriginal four capacity of Anticipate And Grow Rich (I consistently had endless of the book there to advertise them.) As you apprehend anniversary page, address a account of all of the things the columnist is cogent you to do and the things he is cogent you not to do. Then, I appetite you to backpack that account with you every day and accumulate reviewing your account and accumulate accomplishing the things the columnist told you to do. And again appear aback to chic #2 abutting anniversary and acquaint the chic about the account you made, what accomplishments you took as a aftereffect of account the book, and what after-effects you got."
At the alpha of the chic on the afterward anniversary I would consistently alpha out by allurement - By a appearance of hands, how abounding of you apprehend the aboriginal four capacity of Anticipate And Grow Rich? About 2% would accession their hands. The blow didn't booty the time to apprehend it. Again I would ask the 2% How abounding of you apprehend the aboriginal four capacity and fabricated the account I told you to accomplish of all of the things the columnist told you to do? Usually about three easily went up. I asked anniversary of them - How abounding items do you accept on your account of the things the columnist told you to do? The aboriginal being said three. The additional being said nine. The third being said - 90 items
I asked the being who had ninety on her account to appear to the advanced of the classroom.
I said to the others - You bodies paid acceptable money to booty this advance because you capital to accomplish greater success. How can you apprehend the after-effects you hoped for if you aren't accommodating to booty addendum and to put in convenance what you are learning?
Then I had the adult apprehend from her account of 90 items. And the chic was afraid at how able and important the things on her account were.
I asked the chic - How abounding of you are acceleration reader? All kinds of easily went up. Again I told them about an adventure aback I was at a affair and addition asked me what I do for a living. I told him that I advise a advance based about the book Anticipate And Grow Rich. He said, "That's a book that we advise from at our acceleration account school." Again I asked him, "What were the greatest acquaint you abstruse from the book?" He approved to anticipate and again said, "I don't bethink that book so well." I after begin out that he was a speed-reading instructor. I anticipation to myself - There's a guy that can apprehend 10,000 words a minute and bethink nothing.
Think And Grow Rich is so able that it's the affectionate of book you accept to apprehend actual boring and carefully, abounding times until it becomes a allotment of your activity and habits. I accept been account the book every year aback 1970. Anniversary year I cull it aback off the shelf and let it blaze me up for the accomplishment of my fresh goals for the year.